The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Summary

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab is about a young woman named Adeline “Addie” LaRue, who, in 1714 France, makes a desperate pact with a dark god (later called Luc) to escape an arranged marriage and live forever. But in exchange, she’s cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. As soon as she walks away, people lose all memory of her, so she can never form lasting connections.

From there, Addie embarks on an endless, lonely journey through the centuries. She lives through wars, revolutions, and all the changes in history, but no one remembers her. Her only constant is Luc, the god who cursed her, and he appears every now and then, offering her a way out—her soul in exchange for the end of her immortality.

But everything changes when, in 2014 New York, Addie walks into a bookstore and meets Henry, a guy who actually remembers her. This is a major shift in her life, and the story starts to unravel both of their secrets, revealing why Henry is able to remember Addie when no one else can.

The novel is a journey of identity, love, and the struggle to leave a mark on a world that forgets you. Addie’s story explores the beauty and pain of immortality, and how far someone will go to be remembered.

✍️AuthorVictoria Schwab
📅Publication dateOctober 6, 2020
⭐Goodreads Rating4.18
📆 Page count448 pages
❔TopicsFantasy, Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction, Adult, Historical, Magical Realism, LGBT, Contemporary, Paranormal

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Synopsis

Here’s a quick synopsis of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab:

In 1714 France, a young woman named Addie LaRue makes a desperate deal with a dark god in exchange for her freedom and immortality. But the bargain comes with a cruel curse—everyone she meets will forget her as soon as they part ways. Unable to leave any trace of her existence, Addie is forced to live a life of loneliness, with no connections or lasting relationships.

For over 300 years, Addie wanders through history, witnessing the world change around her while she remains invisible to everyone. The only one who remembers her is Luc, the god who cursed her, and he visits her from time to time, tempting her to surrender her soul.

But everything changes in 2014, when Addie meets a man named Henry in a New York City bookstore—and he remembers her. This sets off a whirlwind of events as Addie unravels the mysteries behind Henry’s memory and grapples with her curse, her freedom, and the price of immortality.

It’s a captivating story about love, identity, and the human desire to be remembered. The book explores themes of loneliness, connection, and what it means to leave a lasting mark on the world.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Characters

Here’s a quick breakdown of the key characters in The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue:

  1. Addie LaRue – The main character who makes a deal for immortality but is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.
  2. Luc – The dark god who grants Addie immortality in exchange for her soul. He visits her throughout the story, and their relationship is full of tension.
  3. Henry Strauss – A bookseller in modern-day New York who, unlike everyone else, remembers Addie. He has his own deal with Luc.
  4. Estele – An elderly woman from Addie’s village who taught her about the old gods and warned her about making deals with them.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Review

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is one of those books that completely draws you in, both emotionally and visually, with V.E. Schwab’s lyrical writing style. It’s been super well-received for its unique premise and the way it tackles big themes like identity, memory, and the meaning of life.

One of the major highlights of the book is Addie herself. Her character is super relatable, especially for Gen Z readers. She wants freedom, to live life on her own terms, but finds herself trapped in a deal that takes away her ability to leave any mark on the world. Throughout the story, you really feel her loneliness and her yearning to matter to someone—something we all kind of get, right?

The romance between Addie and Henry adds another layer of depth to the story, and his character is equally compelling. Henry’s struggles with self-worth and feeling “good enough” hit close to home for so many readers. And then there’s Luc, the dark, mysterious god who cursed Addie—he’s complex, seductive, and a bit of a villain you love to hate.

On the downside, some readers have said the pacing can be a bit slow, especially in the middle when Addie’s centuries-long journey is described. But for others, this slow burn is what makes the emotional depth of the story hit harder.

Overall, if you’re into character-driven stories with a mix of fantasy, romance, and deep existential questions, this book is a must-read. It’s the kind of story that lingers with you long after you finish, making you think about what it means to live a life that matters—even if no one remembers your name.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Genre

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue falls under several genres, making it a really unique and layered read. It’s primarily historical fantasy because it spans centuries and features supernatural elements, like Addie’s immortality and her deal with Luc.

It also has strong elements of romantic fantasy, especially with the emotional and mysterious connection between Addie, Luc, and Henry. There’s definitely some magical realism too, as the fantastical parts are woven into the real world, particularly in the modern-day sections.

And finally, it has some philosophical fiction vibes, as it deals with deep themes like identity, memory, and the desire to leave a lasting impact on the world.

How does The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue End?

In the ending of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, Addie sacrifices herself to save Henry by making a new deal with Luc. She agrees to be his companion forever, allowing Henry to be free from his own deal and live a full life. Before parting, Addie inspires Henry to write a book about her, ensuring that her story will live on, even though no one else can remember her. The ending is bittersweet, as Addie’s sacrifice gives her a kind of legacy, while her fate with Luc remains open-ended.

How Spicy is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue?

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue isn’t very spicy. It has emotional, romantic moments but nothing explicit. The focus is more on deep connections and slow-burn tension rather than steamy scenes.